Perfect Fit Harness
Create your dog’s perfect fit harness
Modular design allows and secure and snug fit for almost any size & shape of dog
Easy to clip around dog’s neck and NOT put over their head
Adjustable in up to 5 different places
Each individual piece can be replaced as and when needed
Front piece comes with an additional D-ring as standard
Safe for amputee or ‘tripawed’ dogs
Difficult for escapologist dogs to get out of
Calming for excitable dogs

Unique UK modular design
The perfect fit harness will fit almost any size and shape of dog. The modular design ensures a secure and snug fit. Each piece can be purchased individually to accommodate the dog’s growth or replace a piece that has been damaged.
Designed with the escapologist in mind
When a harness is placed over a dog’s head, the ‘head hole’ has to be bigger than the dog’s skull so the dog is able back out of the harness.
When using the Perfect Fit, the top and front pieces are clipped around the dog’s neck. A correct fitting (being able to insert a couple of fingers between the webbing and the dog’s body) ensures that these cannot be pulled over the dog’s head. This is how the Perfect Fit was designed to be used.
Additionally, the harness is fleece lined to protect your dog’s skin from being pinched by the plastic clips; also the width of the fleece helps to spread pressure over a larger area rather than just the width of webbing as with many other designs.
Fully machine washable, but don’t tumble dry.
Stainless steel rings to prevent rusting – particularly from sea water.
If any part of the harness is out grown or gets chewed and breaks, you will only need to replace one piece of the harness and not the whole thing.
When buying for a puppy, there are 5 areas of adjustment to accommodate their growth. As these adjusters reach the end of their extension, new, larger individual pieces can be purchased.
For top pieces, there is a range of coloured fleece and coloured webbing; the front and girth pieces are only available in black.
UK design and manufacture with all labour and materials sourced from within the UK.
Tri-paws and youngsters
In the 20mm and 40mm ranges, the smallest front (XS for 20mm; S for 40mm) has been designed with no adjustment on the shoulders. This is for 2 reasons:
1. Puppies wearing that range cannot chew this piece of the harness by dropping their heads down to it
2. In the 20mm range, it was found that the XS front (no shoulder adjustment) can suit front leg amputees (tri-paws). In one case, the dog’s leg and shoulder had been removed but harness was still able to fit the dog’s body close enough to give a good snug fit to the chest.
Booking a fitting is easy, contact me on 07747 771360 or email and we can book a convenient time for you.